
“Everyday I am thinking of ALL the great ‘take aways’ you provided the Springbrook family with! You were a wonderful blessing to us! Thank you for coming.”
– Pamela – Renton, WA

“Since I lost my wife…I have attended many grief support group meetings, and workshops, received personal counseling, read books and articles, listened to podcasts, and watched countless videos on how to handle grief. All of these have helped, but I have received the greatest benefit from your ‘Living with Loss’ Workshop you conducted at the Forest Hill church of Christ. Your Sunday morning sermon…struck a chord with me like no other advice I have heard. I have listened to it more than once, and shared it with other widower friends.”
– David – Memphis, TN

I attended a Living with Loss Workshop…recently and really enjoyed it…I lost my precious wife 10 months ago and the workshop was a blessing. I learned so much and will use that as motivation to help others.
– Eltonia – Houston, TX

“Thank you for the wonderful sermon this morning and workshop yesterday. We were very blessed to have you…I had a phone call from one of the ladies, who does not attend our church, that was so grateful for the workshop. She lost her husband two months ago and thought it was the best day she has had since that day! It was very touching!”
– Suzanne – Huntingdon, TN

This last weekend, we were visited by Dean Miller who presented his Widowhood Workshop.  Simply put, it was fantastic!  It was a huge blessing and I am glad the Elders of North Mission brought it here.  I would suggest all churches to consider hosting this event.  Dean, who is a very personal and approachable, told me he has done this workshop for as many as hundreds and also as few as 6.  If we know people, there is a time coming when we will lose people.  Shouldn’t we seek to prepare ourselves for this loss?  Shouldn’t we also seek to train ourselves and others up to effectually help and minister to those who are going through this loss?  Great workshop!  Look Dean up, you will be glad you did.
– Jeff – Palmhurst, TX

“This workshop was one of the most helpful events I have ever attended”
-Earl – Akron, OH

“I thought the workshop was very valuable and timely.  Although not a widow myself, I thought your presentation was touching even to those of us who are not in that position as yet.  Personally, it caused me to evaluate my attitude and actions toward my husband so that I can make any changes I may need to make.  I am guilty of sometimes taking him for granted and I can do better with that.  You helped me to remember how quickly our circumstances can change and how today is the day to be the kind of wife/husband we should be.

Thank you for your presentation.  I am sorry for the events that led you to this place, but just know how important your message is.  I don’t enjoy the fact that I had major cancer that left my body bruised and broken (I live with many side affects of the treatment.), but I know I can use my experience to turn that pain into a blessing for others and bring glory to God just as you suggested and are doing.  Thank you.”

-Colleen Medina, OH

“In 2010 my wife was diagnosed with a terminal, incurable form of dementia. For more than three years I watched her wither away, and, despite professional training concerning these kinds of illnesses, I was personally unprepared for the trauma of her death. I wish I had had access to the kinds of information and support offered in Dean Miller’s “Widowhood Seminar.” Especially helpful to me was the opportunity to listen to the experiences and ideas of other individuals dealing with widow and widower issues. I wish I had had those opportunities before my wife’s passing. It would have certainly helped me in my grief process.”

-RonGainesville, Fl

“Such a wonderful series of lessons for EVERYONE! Before we had this workshop at Woodson Chapel in Nashville, some asked if it was something beneficial to those who aren’t Widowed- most definitely! The comments were so positive about what they learned, realized, and came away with after this workshop, and actions from what we learned are still evident!”

-Cheryl – Nashville, TN